Monday, 7 January 2013

Old msp or new msp...

Which msp do you like better...the old msp or the new msp..comment on what you thind XD!!!

Moviestarplanet hacker!


If you see this girl  "anonymous" exit the chat immediately, she will hack you! If she messages you then report her...if she says she wont hack you dont believe her...dont let her drag u into her plans ur account will be gone forever... And most of all DONT BE HER FRIEND! 

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Me and 1 of ma besties x

Lol, it took so long to take that pic

sorry the pic is blury.. cnt do anything.x

What do ya think...


You would be surprised who comes online at 12 o clock.. i met some new friends in the beach chat room lol..and it was so funny because some1 did diamond ride and i was day dreaming and when i looked the chat room was filled with Its best to have a lot of friends so they give u autos, watch ur movies and stuff..

Sorry the pic is blury...